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The other day I have been reading a topic on one of the message boards that discuss relationships between men and women, and what attracted my attention was a huge number of tall beautiful women. Many girls were discussing the fact they could not wear heels on their first date because their men were too shy and embarrassed to be shorter than their pretty dates. This made me think of peculiarities of dating women whose height might be bigger than average. Let’s admit here that most men...
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Earth keeps moving, and things change. A few of you may know that we have entered the Age of Aquarius. All the years before that we have been living under Pisces zodiac sign. What does it mean for you and for other people? Well, the Age of Aquarius will stay with us for over 2,000 years. It will affect the way the world operates slowly but surely. One thing will always stay the same, though, and that is the beautiful girls who surround you in your daily life. Just think about it: for about t...
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There is a common belief that as women get older, they lose their attractiveness to the opposite world. Actually, in the modern world this belief is no longer true. As more advanced technologies are introduced to women every day, everyone gets a chance to stay young forever. However, some ladies choose to get old and do so gracefully. This is an optimistic type of women which we are going to talk about today. As the retirement age comes, a woman has to face a new problem: what does she do wi...
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 How many dates have you had with your new girlfriend? Can you actually call her a girlfriend if you have not asked her to be exclusive yet? How many dates does it take to pop the question? What are the differences between dating and being in a relationship? If you find yourself asking these questions more and more often, there is a good chance you will find some of the answers below. Let’s look at this burning issue from two perspectives: if you are a female and if you are a ma...
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As the world is becoming more global, and people get to learn about other cultures, countries and nations by watching news, reading articles and chatting to people from another part of the planet, women and men realize they do not have to limit their search of a perfect partner only to their fellow countrymen. It has been a few decades now that interracial couples have become a normal and accepted thing in the society, and you would be surprised to learn how many Russian girls are lookin...
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