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Men Like Girls With Longer Hair

Men Like Girls With Longer Hair

Every man by a certain age has a type of a woman he likes. Surely, no man can resist a slim young attractive girl who has a great style in clothes, does not use too much makeup and is just fun to be around. However, while some men tend to like brunettes, others are more in favor of blondes or even redheads. Same goes for the length of a girl’s hair, even though in the majority of cases men prefer longer hair on a woman.

It is an interesting thing, but longer hair always makes a woman look more feminine and pretty in the eyes of a man. You may say that some women look extremely hot with a short hair, and you will be right. Still, many men do not like seeing a male version of a hair-cut on a girl. It goes back to ancient times, when a long braid on a woman was a sign of her good health and fertility. Sometimes we do not realize it, but we choose our partner based on some animal instinct. Intuitively, when you see a girl with long hair, you feel she can give you healthy kids and probably will not complain at having a headache every night.

There is another reason why men like girls with longer hair, and that is the variety of looks these girls have. You might have noticed that every time you meet your woman, there is something different about her. The answer is probably very simple: she has a new hair-do that changes her whole look significantly.

One more thing worth mentioning here: if a girl has a long beautiful hair, it is a clear sign she takes care of herself. You will never see her in old clothes or without a manicure, even if you have already lived together for five years. These women have been brought up to look beautiful in any circumstances, to look after their hair and skin and to make themselves desired to their partners.

Of course, men also like girls with longer hair, because it looks incredibly sexy when she is naked. Imagine her long hair falling on her shoulders and covering her breasts or nearly reaching the bottom of her back. If you have seen this sensual picture at least once in your life, you will never want a woman with short hair again.

To sum it up here, women with longer hair have always seemed more attractive to the opposite sex, and there are many reasons that explain it. The most important thing to take away from this article is that if your woman has long shiny hair, you can be sure that she is the one to keep and be proud of, because she is the fantasy of many men around you.