In my temperament, I am something between a melancholic and phlegmatic. I have a very calm character. I can calmly endure some life failures, I don’t worry and get confused because of all small things, because I always remember that life is important. I am a very patient and modest girl, it has always been difficult for me to be the first to take the initiative and start dating a man. I am also very sociable and open. I can keep up the conversation on any topic. At the same time, I am very purposeful. If I set myself a definite goal in life, I will definitely achieve it.
I am engaged in kundalini yoga for about five months. It gives me a lot of pleasure when I do yoga, meditate, I am in harmony with myself. I can not imagine my life without it.
I graduated from music school in the class of the accordion. I like to play these instruments very much and it turns out pretty well for me. I also occasionally play the piano, but this is more in mood.
I also love to cook, read books, learn the Slavic alphabet alphabet.
For me, neither age nor eye color, nor the height of my man is of particular importance if he is really close to me in spirit. The main thing in choosing a partner for me is the spiritual qualities of a man, such as kindness, honesty, decency, the ability to love, forgive, empathize, be grateful, and just enjoy life with me.
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